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The amazing and unique "logistics simulator" where you build massive convoluted factories while fending off hordes of insect aliens is finally coming to Steam on 25th February!
Zombasite genuinely impressed me when I played it back in October, and it's really good to see development going strong on this ARPG. It has a new trailer, feast your eyes.
I never noticed Dungeon Souls getting a Linux version, so it must be another case of it not showing up in the new SteamOS & Linux games list if the Linux version was added later.
SNOW is incredibly interesting, mainly as it's our first proper winter sports type game to have on Linux & SteamOS, it's a bit buggy though. It's free, so no big loss right now if it's a bit iffy.
It's nice to have some good news. I told you all recently that it looked like Master of Orion was coming to SteamOS & Linux, and now it has been confirmed by Wargaming themselves.
I was really hoping to give Torment: Tides of Numenera a go, but it seems I won't be able to since they have launched without Linux support right now. They aren't sure if it will get a Linux version during Early Access or after the final release.
Fans of challenging platformers with the trendy roguelite appellation might be interested to know that there's something new that they can sink their teeth into. Vagante promises countless hours of procedurally generated fun alone or with friends.
Fans of the beautiful game might be happy to know that we've had our first football (soccer for you Yanks out there) game available on Linux for a few months now. Well, first one that's more about the matches than the management side of things. Kopanito is a diverse and fast-paced game that looks pretty fun.
Aspyr Media have announced they are now publishing the psychedelic horror game Layers of Fear. The game is currently in Early Access, and due out next month.
A developer of Squad mentioned again that they want to do a Linux version, but it's not a priority. The developer asked people to comment on his reddit post in they want Linux support.
The sequel to the critic and public-acclaimed Door Kickers moves the action to the Middle East and puts the player in control of military Special Operations Teams fighting an elusive Terrorist Network.
I've put millions of hours into Master of Orion 2, so to hear about a brand new Master of Orion was quite exciting. I've been following it for a while, and it looks like it might get a Linux release.
Slime Rancher is quickly becoming one of my favourite indie games. It's a cute and silly game, and I have fallen in love with those stupid little smiling slimes.
SpeedRunners, a competitive action-platform runner which was originally going to be out for Linux before Christmas has been delayed. It now has no ETA.